
 How to recover deleted messages/photos/videos on Instagram

 how to recover all of your conversations and DMs on instagram. Let's go ! So to begin, I'm going to click on "my conversations", then on the most recent conversation, and as you can see it is actually a classic conversation, we see that all emojis and photos are displayed correctly. It’s a classic conversation there is no surprise. Now I'm going to click "back", and delete this conversation. So I pull to the left and hit the delete button. Now the conversation is no longer available on Instagram, we can no longer find it. To confirm that, we will do a quick test, so I click on create a new conversation with the same participant which is »startupfood". Then I will write a new message, and I will click on "send" ... and as I clicked on "send" we see that the rest of the conversation does no longer exist, there is no history remaining. When I click on the conversation all the previous messages have been deleted, ant there is way to find dm that were deleted when the conversation had been deleted. There is actually only one way to recover them using a third party website but before that I need to collect my Instagram data. To do that I need to click on the bottom right on the icon to go to the profile section, and then on the top right on the three bars to display the drop-down menu, and then click on settings. Then we will click on the tab called security, then we will go to download the data. Then I will click on « request download" and I will arrive on a screen where I need to enter my password. For the purpose of the video I blurred the moment when I typed my password but once you have filled in your password you click on the button at the top right which is called "next". Once you have done that you can click on the « done » button and then all you have to do is wait for Instagram to send you the email containing the link to download your data. Please note that bigger your account is I mean tons of content, a lot of stories, and so on, longer you will need to wait for the email to arrive. For instance, to make this video I had to wait four minutes for the Instagram email to arrive while it's a really small account with only three conversations, so imagine if you have an account with a ton of content, It will require a lot of time. So if you don't receive your email within the next 30 seconds, don't freak out, it's completely normal. Now that the email has arrived we will simply click on it, then we will go to the link called "download data". Here we will see a transition that passes by instagram and then by the web browser. Then I need to enter my password again so the same thing I blurred it, and then we click on « login. Then I arrive on a screen where I can save my IDs, it’s up to you but personally I chosen "not now ». Then I arrive on the actual download page, so I click on "download data" in blue, and then "download" on the pop up screen to launch the download on the phone. From now on it is possible that the situation you meet is slightly different from what I am showing in this video because as I explained previously I used a very small account, there are only two photos and three conversations, meaning when instagram sends my data it needs to generate only one file that contains all my data. If you have a very large account with tons of stories, tons of videos and so on ... Chances are that instagram needs to split all of your data into several large files. But do not worry if you are in this case only the first file is useful. Only consider the file number one, all the others contain the heavier items like stories and photos. Once the download is complete I will click on the top right on the small arrow pointing down, and I will click on the file to view the file in the download folder of my phone. The file that we downloaded arrived in "zip" format so if you have an android device it's perfect you have nothing to do, just keep this file as it is and you will upload it to the site that I will show you in a moment. But if you have an iphone or ipad I do not know exactly why but there is a small issue, meaning we have to un compress and recompress the file, otherwise it doesn’t work. Don’t worry it takes two seconds, I just need to make a long click on the file that brings a drop-down menu I'll click all the way down on « uncompress", it will create a folder and one more time I will do a long click on the folder, again drop-down menu and I will go all the way down and click on "compress" and then I delete the two useless items, the folder and the first "zip" file. Now I end up with a usable zip file but again if you have an android phone you don't need to do this step. From there all the hard work is down, I will return to the browser and I will go to the website « » if you need, there is the link of the site in the description. On this site I will click on the square in the middle to upload my downloaded data, and then I click on "browse", I choose the file "zip" that we just downloaded and then I wait a few moments, it may take more or less time depending on the number of conversations you have, and depending on the quality of your connection so just be patient. Once it's done you click on the button marked « show deleted messages" and there you will see all of your conversations with all the messages that have been deleted as you can see we have the history of the conversation that you I shown you in the beginning of the video, while on the instagram app there is still not this history because this history has simply disappeared and it is impossible to recover it without "insta -recovery ". As you can see we can even retrieve photos, 


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