
Everything You Need To Know About BEST ESSENTIAL OIL PERFUME.


 best smelling essential oils for perfume 

I'm very happy and willing to admit essential oils are oneof mine no matter how hard I try I justcannot declutter or slim this collectiondown in fact I am excellent as you cansee at building it up so in this video Iwant to share with you my obsession withessential oil I want to talk about why Ilove them how I choose them how I usethem around the house aside from justcleaning and some really good tips andtricks on how to mix them and how tofind essential oils that you love andhow to make them work for you and just aquick reminder if you haven't done soalready to subscribe to the clean myspace channel and give this video athumbs up if you feel like this aboutessential oils too before we get rollingon the wonderful world of essential oilsI just want to let you guys know I ambrand agnostic I mean of course I pick high quality brands but I'm notaffiliated with one particular brand ofessential oils I don't have a store thatI'm gonna point you to but I will put myfavorite ones in the description boxdown below with links quick little disclaimer here too if you are using essential oils you are pregnant orbreastfeeding please check with your OBor your Midwifeor your doctor to make sure that youknow how to safely use them if you havepets talk to your vet I have talked tomy vetI've received advice from my own bedhowever I don't want to share thatbecause I am NOT in bed and I don't knowwhat your pets needs so please speakwith your own vet so you know exactlyhow to use these in your home andfinally the same goes for kids if youhave babies or young children around thehouse check with your pediatrician oryour family doctor to make sure you knowwhat is safe to use at home for yourfamily just to give you an idea of howessential oils come to be plants flowersand herbs are either pressed the sameway oil like olive oil would be pressedand the oils are extracted that way orthe oil is extracted using a steamdistillation process so you can onlyimagine the volume of material that isrequired to get one teeny tiny bottle ofessential oil which is sometimes whythese can be 20 bucks 30 bucks a bottlewhen you're getting really good qualitystuff in large volumes and thendistilling it down to a very tiny 30milliliter bottle it's gonna cost youthere's a spectrum of essential oilsthat you can buy out there and you haveto be really careful when you're makingyour purchase because it's easy to buyessential oils that aren't quite potentyou see they can smell nice they cancertainly come from a plant or a floweror an herb but they can also be cut withother oils meaning they are not 100percent pure so when you are looking topurchase an essential oil you want to gowith a high quality brand and you needto make sure that the label says ahundred percent pure right there so thatyou know that you're getting the goodstuff if you buy an essential oil thatisn't 100% pure meaning

  The entirebottle doesn't consist of all essentialoil you're not going to get thetherapeutic and the other benefits thatare associated with that particularproduct whenever we talk about essentialoils and videos in the comments a lot ofpeople ask hey where do I get essentialoils it's a great question there arecertainly companies online kind of likecraft breweries that make beautifulessential oils again you just want tomake sure and check the validity of theproduct to ensure it's a hundred percentpure there might be friends of yours whosell essential oils that can be greatagain as long as you make sure whatthey're selling is 100 percent pureproduct my favorite way to get them isto go to my local health food store theycarry a variety of different brands andlies I love just standing there and youever see me at a health food store justyou'll know that I'm there sniffingessential oils I spent about 15 minutesdoing that and walk home with a newtreat usually alternatively if you knowwhat you like you can buy online againjust making sure that you get that goodquality product a question we often getasked whenever we talk about recipes andessential oils is how much essentialoils to use in the recipe so here's areally good guideline for you if youjust want your recipe to smell nice andfrankly who doesn't want thatyou can add five drops of your favoriteessential oils to the recipes however ifyou want the therapeuticfit to the essential oil that's when youcan ramp it up and add 10 drops per cupof product so when you're making arecipe use that as your simple guidelineand it should work very well if you'dlike to use some of these essential oilson your skin they can be really greatfor different reasons on your body butit's important to not use them directlyon your skin because they can causeirritation or other issues let's not getinto those instead just pick yourself upI carry your oil and you can blend youressential oils in with the carrier oilsyou can find lots of recipes online sothat you can get exactly how much toblend in your solution what's funny iswhenever we film a clean myspace videoit usually means

 I have to cleansomething and part of me is like I don'treally want to do that but I'm reallyexcited to dig in because all I'm gonnado now is open up these bottles andsmell them talk about what I love andsome different scent combinations thatyou can try so where should I beginwhoo let's see okay a lot of people saythat they love the smell of a particularpine scented product that you can buy instore and many times people will say butI don't want to stop using said pinefloor cleaner because I love the smelland it signals to me that my home isclean so I'm just gonna show you a greatscent combination that you can use thatwill essentially mimic that now howwould you make that happen you wouldfill your mop bucket with your regularcleaning solution hot waterwhat-have-you and then you'll use thatfive drops to one cup of waterrecipe that I gave you at the beginningto get that powerful smell so here we gothis is balsam fir if you don't havethat you can get pine or you can getanything like thathence pine scented floor cleaner andlemon so if you put these two togetherwow that is so good it smells fresh itis very close to what you would expectthat floor cleaner to smell like but ofcourse it's the nice natural solutionsee one of the challenges I have ismaking sure I put the right lids on theright bottles all right so there's onethat's really wonderful now here's aninteresting one a lot of people say theydon't love the smell of tea treeessential oil and my goodness it is oneof the most powerful essential oils outthere but there are Punic uses forcleaning uses for getting rid ofbacteriain fact we made a video about essentialoils and the different properties andpowers that some of our favorite oneshave I'll link that video down below foryou so if you're just getting intoessential oil you should totally checkthat one out if you want to use tea treebut you're not quite comfortable withthe scent a great way to cut itoops there goes that lid Chad will getit from you later don't you worry youcan cut it with cinnamon leaf so whenyou put those two together the cinnamonkind of cancels out some of thatharshness from the tea tree it's areally interesting scent combination agreat way to bring tea tree into yourhome without having that otherwise teatree ish kind of smell that some peoplearen't into I love going to the spa I'msure you guys know that about me andwhenever I go to the spy I always makemy way into the steam room so if you'veever been to a steam room at a spathere's a 98% chance that they have usedor diffused eucalyptus which is such aninvigorating and refreshing smell andlet me just get back to that in onesecond whenever I'm not feeling well Iwill drop like five or ten drops ofeucalyptus essential oils at the bottomof my shower then I will hit it with ahot water turn it on stand in the showerand just let it all steam up so I cantake that steam room treatment home andit really helps open things up and getrid of some of that mucousy nastinessthat I am NOT interested in now back tothe spa thing yes they diffuseeucalyptus at a spa but if you want totake that spa scent to the next levelyou can just blend equal partseucalyptus and lavenderI'm just I'll be here for a minute I'mnot normally one who loves floral scentsI know I'm crazy get over it but onescent that I absolutely love forrelaxation and it is it's such a strangescent but my goodness does it speak tome is geranium and I think I was onetime at an appointment where I wasreally stressed out and the practitionerjust diffused some geranium essentialoil and it brought me right down and Isaid to her what is that and she told meit was geranium and Iran out and I picked it up and anytime Ineed to relax and just feel calm that iswhat I go to sometimes I don't evenbother diffusing it I just open thebottle and sit there and just sniff itfor a while it's so relaxing and franklyI find the same thing with Clary sageand I've even mixed the two togetherbefore just a couple drops of each andit's been such a nice calming relaxingscent really lovely now a couple that Ilove that I don't have on me right noware basil essential oil which worksincredibly well with lime especially ifyou're going to use it in the kitchenthere's just something so nice the limeis so fresh and citrusy and kind ofpeppy and then the basil has that reallyherbal also fresh kind of foodie typesmell it just I don't know what it isbut it really brings it home it is anamazing scent to use in the kitchen justa really fun scent combination kind ofunexpected in the world of essentialoils I also don't have rosemary on meright now but rosemary is somethingthat's great for hair so at times I'lldo a hair rinse where I put a little bitof apple cider vinegar a little bit ofwater and about 10 drops of rosemaryessential oil into a cup I'll bring itinto the shower with me and then after Ifinish conditioning my hair I dump thatin and I kind of let it sit and I'llsort of massage it into my scalprosemary is a really great scalpstimulant so if you want to help hairgrowth or make your hair look extra niceand shiny and great rosemary is a greatoption for that lemongrass is anotherone that I love and I just don't happento have on me right now you can mix itwith several different ones it goesreally nicely on its own too but you cando some really great scent combinationswith lemongrass super fresh and spicyand horrible really nice I also don'thave bergamot which surprises me becauselove love love that scent it's got somenice citrus in there but it's a littlebit more mild than say something like alemon or an orange now I know we're inand around holiday time so if you'relooking for some nice holiday scents todiffuse around the house you can lookfor anything not spicy or woodsy and youcan come up with all sorts of uniquecombinations for example I have cedarwood right here holy cannoligosh that smells that smells amazing anda great way to mix that up is to throwsome cinnamon in there as well and ifyou have clove there's my cinnamon andif you have clove which I believe isright here you can sort of do two twoand two or just come up with somedifferent drops you know dropcombinations that you like depending onhow strong you want it to be but what Ialways love to do if I'm unsure if arecipe is going to work is I sort ofopen the three of them up together Ikind of hold them up to my nose I seehow it works if I like that mm-hmm if Ilike that I will further explore it bydashing a few drops onto a tissue andthen just smelling it for a little bitand seeing if that resonates and then ifit does I'll use it in my bigger kind ofrecipe another thing that I love ispeppermint now peppermints so great touse on its own there's this trick withpeppermint essential oils I want to tellyou guys about hoof what I love to dowith this is to put it on my car max Iknow this sounds funny but if you'reespecially toward the end of the day orif you have to drive at night and knowyou're gonna be a little bit tiredif you've - a few drops of peppermintessential oil on your car mat it justhelps to pep you up and re-energize youwhile you're driving it's really niceit's subtle and it does help keep youalert if you wanted to cut peppermintwith something maybe bring it home alittle bit for the holidays or sort oftone it down you can mix it with vanillaWow which is like smelling a candy canewho doesn't like 

 That what I love aboutessential oils is everybody hasdifferent scents and scent profiles thatreally speak to them it's a it's a funway to explore and to make your home andyour space your own because you canreally design your home to smell any waythat you want the sense that I tend tolove are the woodsy herbal sort ofreally relaxing sense I don't know whybut those really speak to me and thereare certainly some scent combinationsthat I love store-bought ones I mean ofcourse you could just blend them up onyour own but I don't need any moreessential oils as they are so sometimesbuying a blend is a great way to go thisone I got from a store called sage it'scalled spa spirit if you make your wayto Sage you must smell this one I smellthis one time and I thought this mywhole life has to smell like this so ifyou ever go there check that out anotherblend that we talk about occasionallyhere on clean my space and somethingthat I love using in the kitchen becauseof its incredible history and if you areinterested you can research the historyof this it is called the thieves oilblend you don't have to buy it from oneparticular place a lot of differentessential oil companies will make theirown thieves recipes but essentially thehistory goes that thieves in the days ofthe plague Black Plague bubonic plague Iforget which plague it was but it wasone that kills a lot of people thieveswould go around and steal things fromthe deceased person's body but theywanted to live and enjoy the spoils oftheir steals so their steals their I seeI'm not a criminalI don't even know how to express thatword so what they would do is they wouldfill a little sachet on their belt withall of these different scents in them orherbs and spices and plants and whatnotand it would keep them healthy it wouldward off that plague so it would includethings like clove bud lemon oil cinnamonbark oil eucalyptus oil rosemary oil andthat would help them stay healthy so alot of people love thieves to ward offsickness essential oils are a lot of funto play around with it can be a bit ofan expensive habit so if you have somefriends that love essential oils maybeyou buy three in each of them by three Ican assure you it'll take you a reallong time to go through a bottle so youcan trade them and in that way you don'thave to become an essential or essentialoils hoarder I was going to say anessential order like I have you can callme an order that's fine anyway I hopeyou guys have enjoyed this video and inthe comments down below I would love toknow what is your favorite essentialoils combination as you can see I have afew that I really favor but I'm alwaysinterested in learning more and I havethe supplies to make it happen so let meknow just a quick reminder that I've gotmy 10 favorite essential oils linkedbelow if you want to check them out andone of our most popular articles is an article that wehave entitled something along along thelines of everything you need to knowabout essential oils it is superin-depth it gives you recipes a littlebit of history and explains in greatdetail how to use them and how to mixthem so I'll link that down below foryou 

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